Visual Studio Code Jquery

  1. Visual Studio Code Jquery Intellisense
  2. Visual Studio Code Jquery Debugging
  3. Run Js Visual Studio Code
  4. Visual Studio Code Jquery Suggestion

Getting jQuery to work with Intellisense in Visual Studio is now possible after Microsoft updated script parsing code in a recent hotfix. Although there are improvements in basic parsing and some Intellisense is supported, by making some very minor comment changes to jQuery.js can improve Intellisense support drastically. From visual studio 2010 when I click on debugging under options, the only option I can see that may apply is to check the option for 'warn if script debugging is disabled from launch. When I look at internet options, the best I can see is to not check the following, 'disable script debugging (internet explorer)', and 'disable script. To begin with using jQuery with ASP.NET, first download the latest version the jQuery library from jQuery website and unzip or copy the file in your project or Visual studio solution. Microsoft Visual studio 2010 and 2012 include jQuery by default and provide intellisense to use jQuery.

Setting up Visual Studio Intellisense for jQuery

In September 2008, at the jQuery Conference, it was announced that Microsoft would be shipping its upcoming releases of Visual Studio with jQuery built in. They would not fork or change the jQuery code but ship it as is. Microsoft also announced that they would distribute IntelliSense-annotated documentation JavaScript files for Visual Studio 2008 that developers can reference in their files to enable IntelliSense for jQuery. The following instructions will help you get started using this tool to make writing jQuery scripts faster than ever.

Setting up Your Files for jQuery IntelliSense

First, set up jQuery on your page by downloading the latest version from the jQuery site.

Next, you will need to download the jQuery Documentation file from the jQuery site.

Download the files and add them to your project.

IntelliSense in external JavaScript files

At the top of the JavaScript file in which you would like to have jQuery IntelliSense enabled, you will need to add a line to reference the documentation file:

IntelliSense inline on your ASPX page

There are a couple of scenarios that may affect if you include a reference to the VSDOC file or not. If in doubt, just add a reference to the documentation file.

If you are linking to jQuery by the Google Code AJAX Library or are linking to jQuery from anywhere outside of your project you will need to reference the documentation file.

From each ASPX page you want jQuery IntelliSense you’ll want to call the reference within a server-side conditional statement so that the documentation file will still load in Visual Studio but will not load at run-time. Add the following after your jQuery declaration:

[asp] < % if (false) { %>< % } %> [/asp]

If you downloaded jQuery and saved it to your project Visual Studio will look for the vsdoc.js file automatically if the following conditions are met.

You've downloaded and installed the hotfix for Visual Studio.

jQuery and the documentation file need to be named the same with the exception that the documentation file end with -vsdoc.js. So when you add jQuery to your project make sure to rename them similarly. For instance, jquery-1.3.2.js is your jQuery library, Visual Studio will look for the documentation file at jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc.js and load it.


(Note: the jQuery 1.3.2 documentation file is named jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js on the Download page so make sure you take out the 2 so that the file will be found by Visual Studio)

If you can't meet these conditions you'll need to reference the documentation file as shown above.

To test to make sure the documentation file loaded correctly, you can type $( and you should be presented with some documentation.

Additionally, you can type in $(document).r and you will be presented with a drop down of available options to choose from, one being 'ready.'

Now as you write your jQuery code, you'll be helped along by seeing what methods and properties are available to you.

Visual Studio Code Jquery Intellisense


Visual Studio Code Jquery Debugging

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Run Js Visual Studio Code

I've updated the post to reflect the hotfix for Visual Studio which enables Visual Studio to automatically load the documentation file for inline jQuery on ASPX pages if it's named similarly to the jQuery file. Thanks to Dave Ward for pointing this out in the comments.

Visual Studio Code Jquery Suggestion