Ssh Version 3

  • It is important to distinguish the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol version from the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) version, and each of these from the more granular SSH library implementation version. Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol. The SSH protocol has a variety of versions which are grouped into the following two categories.
  • As used herein, “this License” refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the “ GNU GPL ” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. “The Library” refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.

OpenSSH is the open-source version of the Secure Shell (SSH) tools used by administrators of Linux and other non-Windows for cross-platform management of remote systems.OpenSSH has been added to Windows as of autumn 2018, and is included in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019.

OpenSSH is the open-source version of the Secure Shell (SSH) tools used by administrators of Linux and other non-Windows for cross-platform management of remote systems. OpenSSH has been added to Windows as of autumn 2018, and is included in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. I have just installed version 3.5.3 and is now unable to SSH. My command is sudo ssh pi@ I am prompted for a password but flightaware (or any other password) will not work. In the previous version 3.5.1 it all worked just fine. Any suggestions? Changes made in version 3.13(Apr 15, 2004) Added International Domain Name support (IDNA). Check out Verisign for more info; Added ssh-break command to SSH2 to support break signals across an SSH connection (ctrl-break key activates it)) Fixed several small bugs introduced in 3.11; Changes made in version 3.11(Apr 10, 2004).

SSH is based on a client-server architecture where the system the user is working on is the client and the remote system being managed is the server.OpenSSH includes a range of components and tools designed to provide a secure and straightforward approach to remote system administration, including:

  • sshd.exe, which is the SSH server component that must be running on the system being managed remotely
  • ssh.exe, which is the SSH client component that runs on the user's local system
  • ssh-keygen.exe generates, manages and converts authentication keys for SSH
  • ssh-agent.exe stores private keys used for public key authentication
  • ssh-add.exe adds private keys to the list allowed by the server
  • ssh-keyscan.exe aids in collecting the public SSH host keys from a number of hosts
  • sftp.exe is the service that provides the Secure File Transfer Protocol, and runs over SSH
  • scp.exe is a file copy utility that runs on SSH

Documentation in this section focuses on how OpenSSH is used on Windows, including installation, and Windows-specific configuration and use cases. Here are the topics:

Additional detailed documentation for common OpenSSH features is available online at

The master OpenSSH open source project is managed by developers at the OpenBSD Project.The Microsoft fork of this project is in GitHub.Feedback on Windows OpenSSH is welcomed and can be provided by creating GitHub issues in our OpenSSH GitHub repo.

Windows 10 Native Ssh Client

Documentation » Getting Started » Protocols » SFTP »

SFTP status/error codes are a numerical codes that an SFTP server1 uses to indicate a result of a client request (i.e. a request sent by WinSCP to the server).

WinSCP translates the numerical codes to a textual description for you, so you do not have to remember them.

The SFTP server should also provide a meaningful textual description of the error itself. WinSCP includes the server-side description in its error message, labeled “Error message from server”. Such description can include more detailed information than WinSCP can possibly deduce from the numerical code.

Note that not all servers use all codes. Most SSH/SFTP servers, including the most commonly used OpenSSH, support only SFTP version 3 that defines only codes 0 to 8.

These servers would generally use code 4 (Failure) for many errors for which there is a specific code defined in the later versions of SFTP protocol, such as:

  • Renaming a file to a name of already existing file.
  • Creating a directory that already exists.
  • Moving a remote file to a different filesystem (HDD).
  • Uploading a file to a full filesystem (HDD).
  • Exceeding a user disk quota.

In this case the server is required to provide meaningful description of the error itself (see above). Unfortunately, OpenSSH SFTP server uses always description “Failure”. Is such case, there is unfortunately no way to tell a reason of the failure.

Ssh Version 3 Port

0OKIndicates successful completion of the operation.
1EOFAn attempt to read past the end-of-file was made; or, there are no more directory entries to return.
2No such fileA reference was made to a file which does not exist.
3Permission deniedThe user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation.
4FailureAn error occurred, but no specific error code exists to describe the failure. This error message should always have meaningful text in the the error message field.See above.
5Bad messageA badly formatted packet or other SFTP protocol incompatibility was detected.
6No connectionThere is no connection to the server. This error may be used locally, but must not be return by a server.WinSCP does not use the code.
7Connection lostThe connection to the server was lost. This error may be used locally, but must not be return by a server.WinSCP does not use the code.
8Operation unsupportedAn attempted operation could not be completed by the server because the server does not support the operation. It may be returned by the server if the server does not implement an operation.
9Invalid handleThe handle value was invalid.
10No such pathThe file path does not exist or is invalid.
11File already existsThe file already exists.
12Write protectThe file is on read-only media, or the media is write protected.
13No mediaThe requested operation cannot be completed because there is no media available in the drive.
14No space on file-systemThe requested operation cannot be completed because there is insufficient free space on the filesystem.
15Quota exceededThe operation cannot be completed because it would exceed the user’s storage quota.
16Unknown principalA principal referenced by the request (either the owner, group, or who field of an ACL), was unknown.
17Lock conflictThe file could not be opened because it is locked by another process.
18Directory not emptyThe directory is not empty.
19Not a directoryThe specified file is not a directory.
20Invalid filenameThe filename is not valid.
21Link loopToo many symbolic links encountered or, an SSH_FXF_NOFOLLOW open encountered a symbolic link as the final component
22Cannot deleteThe file cannot be deleted. One possible reason is that the advisory read-only attribute-bit is set.
23Invalid parameterOne of the parameters was out of range, or the parameters specified cannot be used together.
24File is a directoryThe specified file was a directory in a context where a directory cannot be used.
25Range lock conflictA read or write operation failed because another process’s mandatory byte-range lock overlaps with the request.WinSCP does not use byte range locking.
26Range lock refusedA request for a byte range lock was refused.WinSCP does not use byte range locking.
27Delete pendingAn operation was attempted on a file for which a delete operation is pending.
28File corruptThe file is corrupt; an filesystem integrity check should be run.
29Owner invalidThe principal specified can not be assigned as an owner of a file.
30Group invalidThe principal specified can not be assigned as the primary group of a file.
31No matching byte range lockThe requested operation could not be completed because the specified byte range lock has not been granted.WinSCP does not use byte range locking.


  • Status response section of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13;
  • SFTP specifications list in “History and development” section of SSH File Transfer Protocol.
  1. Exception are codes 6 and 7 that intended to by used by client. But WinSCP never uses these.Back