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Nintendo constantly aims to improve the functionality of its systems and services in order to provide the easiest, most user-friendly experience possible. As a part of these efforts, we are making Nintendo Switch system updates available for download via the Internet.
Latest version
Performing the system update
In most situations, the Nintendo Switch will automatically download the most recent system update while it is connected online. You can verify your current menu version and manually start the update from the System Settings menu if necessary.
Important: If you are unable to perform the system update, restart your console and try again.
Minecraft’s world is generated randomly, based on a series of “seeds” that populate the world with the necessary details to make up any Minecraft environment. It’s an almost unlimited game world based on algorithms that’ll make your mind explode if you try to think too hard about how the coders made it work. By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that, but thankfully, seeds can be influenced and copied and pasted into Minecraft’s underlying code, allowing players to share the core worlds they play in.
Best Minecraft Nintendo Switch Seeds
[NOTE: To enter a seed, input the BOLDED seed titles listed below into the Seed Generator.]
Latest Seeds
Another solid seed was discovered which was full of different goodies throughout the map. This is one of the more full seeds available right now that you should be making use of.
Village W/ Blacksmith
- 56,47
- 59,125
- 81,-290
- 51,69
Skeleton Spawner
- 27,62,68
Zombie Spawner
- 45,45,-1
- 146,48,168
Spider Spawner
- -120,13,124
Here’s a seed well worth checking into if you’re interested in biomes. It’s a simple seed with biomes being the focus here. In fact, right at spawn, you’re surrounded by all the different biomes which means there’s a good variation of resources you can obtain easily without having to travel very far.
If you’re speedrunning Minecraft then this seed is a good starter to figure everything out. It puts players into spawn area that has everything you would need in order to complete the game.
- 881,128
Nether Portal
- 931,206
End Portal
- 881,29,113
- 855,176
- 878,4,199
- 751,22
Desert Temple
- 682,282
Zombie Spawners
- 530,52
- 274,90
- 463,449
- 249,115
- 165,252
Need a great seed that’s filled with blacksmiths, villages, and even some great starting locations for a speedrun then check into this one right here.
- 29,135
Abandoned Village
- 50,123
Nether Portal
- 294,-475
Village With Blacksmiths
- 503,-328
This particular seed held a world record speedrun which should allow players to beat the game in just minutes. Through the End Portal area you can obtain a bucket with water which means immediately having access to the Nether.
Abandoned Village
- 2168,69,30
Mob Spawner
- 2187,51,16
End Portal
- 2235,29,31
Are you planning to play Minecraft with some friends? This is a seed you may like as right at spawn, the map is divided into pieces with six river streams. It essentially gives players their own landmass while also looking incredible unique. There’s even a village on one of the landmasses but I imagine you could make some great unique map designs based around the six river setup.
Those that don’t want a head start with items given to you right away may want to dive into this seed. Highlighted through Eystreem, this seed caught our attention simply due to the spawn point mainly being right in a middle of practically every biome. You can build anything and not have the need to really search all that much. These biomes are scattered all around you and depending how far you can render, they should be visible right away.
If you’re after a seed with something a bit more rare then check out this map. With this seed, players can venture to a desert temple which is a bit far from spawn. However, what makes this temple rare is that inside there’s a skeleton spawner that generated connecting to the temple.
- 3098,28
- 2948,350
- 3095,-274
Desert Temple W/ Skeleton Spawner
- -1670,1611
What makes this seed nice is the setting for the main village. You will find that at spawn you’ll be around some islands but if you had to the coordinates -1567,66,665 you’ll find a village right in the middle of a massive jungle. There’s been a lot of updates added to Minecraft so going to something that feels bit old school like a jungle village setting may me appealing. The landscape around it is also quite astonishing as well so either exploring the area and setting up a base may be ideal.
In this seed you’ll have a ton of content to enjoy right at spawn. When you spawn, you’ll be right in the center of a rather large village that has three blacksmiths. This is a great starter area as right away you’ll have some blacksmiths to fill up your inventory. Furthermore, directly below the island village you spawn at is a stronghold. You can see it using a night vision potion if you go out by the dock area.Of course, if you rather explore, you can find all sorts of additional islands and villages.
- Three located at spawn
- Beneath spawn under water
Additional Villages
- 1361, -183 (abandoned)
Nintendo Switch 2019 Just Dance
Ocean Monument
- 1164, -208
Nintendo Switch 2019 Update
- 1144,-792
Looking for a quick game in Minecraft or just an easier time for newcomers? This seed is perfect as it comes with plenty of resources near spawn, but best of all, this seed spawns half of the end portal already complete.
- 1062,-57
Mob Spawner
- 1012,21,-51
Desert Village
- 1091,115 (includes blacksmith chest)
- 885,-356 (includes blacksmith chest)
Desert Temple
- 684,115
- 718,-205
End Portal (half complete)
- 542,31,-750