Mamp Dropbox

Turns out sometimes MAMP likes to sometimes grab the databases from the MAMP Pro location and sometimes the MAMP location. So, I decided it was time to figure out how to automatically backup my databases. The problem is that my MySQL databases are not in the same folder as my Dropbox folder. MAMP Cloud allows you to save and load your host and data from one database using Dropbox. This means you can work from any computer you need to – a real plus for digital nomads. This means you can work from any computer you need to – a real plus for digital nomads. If you need to easily set-up and maintain a local server environment on your Mac then look no further than MAMP. MAMP comes with Apache, MySQL and PHP and provides a local server environment independent of that installed as default on macOS. Syncing MAMP with Dropbox - Simon Davies I use MAMP as my local development environment. MAMP is brilliant as it installs the software (Apache, MySQL and PHP) used to run a web server similar to a LAMP server. This is great as it means you can test your files locally without having to upload them first. MAMP, Dropbox dan Git membentuk tim pemenang untuk berurusan dengan WordPress pengembangan dan penyebaran, mereka mewakili sebuah lingkungan pengembangan yang fleksibel yang memungkinkan untuk dengan mudah menambahkan situs baru, mengembangkan itu di mana-mana Anda, dan untuk menyebarkan dalam cara yang dapat diandalkan untuk produksi server.

This is a great way for developers who tend to work on several different machines to sync their local development environments. Notice! This is not a recommended configuration for mysql, and can result in some problems involving locks on files etc.. if you really want to sync a db for production purposes or more robustly use mysql replication. That being said, I’ve been running this configuration for a while and haven’t run into any serious problems. Just make sure you only have one instance of MAMP running at a time!


Here’s how it’s done using your terminal: (only 2 steps!)


1) Move your MAMP mysql folder into your Dropbox

Map dropbox

2) Create a symbolic link (a shortcut) from the old location to the new one (create it in the /Applications/MAMP/db/mysql folder)

Mamp Dropbox Account

To confirm that you did things correctly:

Mamp Dropbox Software

run ls -l and you should see this: mysql -> /Users/kevinsloan2/Dropbox/mysql

Map Dropbox

If you’re not using Dropbox yet — you’re missing out! It’s such a wonderful tool that makes working across several machines seamless, sign up here!