The Postbox Shop Products and Services. Welcome to the Postbox Shop, we provide an extensive range of individual and commercial postboxes, letterboxes and mailboxes, each designed with access, security and your lifestyle needs in mind. Jun 01, 2019 Build the Flintstones home Featuring a removable roof, Sofa, TV, coffee table, buildable palm tree and postbox, plus a family car with an attachable dinosaur rib, then enjoy modern stone age life! This model kit includes 4 new The Flintstones cartoon character minifigures: Fred Flintstone, Wilma Flintstone, barney Rubble and Betty Rubble. ALAZA Welcome Mailbox Covers Magnetic Eagle and USA American Flag Patriotic Post Box Cover Wrapped Standard Size 20.7 x 18.03 Inch for Garden Yard Decor. 4.3 out of 5 stars 592. Get it as soon as Fri, Apr 16. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon.
- American Post & Beam® is a national custom post and beam design, manufacturing and building company. Our team is experienced in designing post and beam barns, barn homes, farmhouses, waterfront cottages, and mountain-style homes. Our homes are energy-efficient and have a special aesthetic character that you won’t easily find elsewhere.
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**Note: these words might be outdated or not commonly used because language is an ever-changing entity. This list is just for fun - it is certainly not comprehensive. Email complaints will probably be ignored. :-) |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H-I |
J | K-L | M | N-O | P | R-S | T | U-Z |
A | |
an airplane | an aeroplane |
aluminum | aluminium |
anesthesiologist | anaesthetist |
an apartment | a flat |
an appetizer (before the meal) | a starter |
an appointment | an engagement |
archeology | archaeology |
(to) awaken someone | (to) knock up |
B | |
a babysitter | a child-minder |
baby buggy/carriage | pram (perambulator) |
bad manners | bad form |
baked potato | jacket potato |
the bathroom | the loo, toilet |
a Band-Aid | an Elastoplast / a plaster |
a bank teller | a cashier |
a barrette | a hairslide |
a baseboard | a skirting board |
a bedspread | a duvet |
bell boy (hotel) | page |
bill (money) | note |
billion | trillion / milliard |
bleachers | terrace |
boob tube (TV) | goggle-box |
to book | to make reservations |
braces (for teeth) | brace |
built-in | in-built |
bumper to bumper (traffic) | nose to tail |
bus | coach |
busy (phone) | engaged |
C | |
to call (on the phone) | to ring |
a can of peas | a tin of peas |
candy | sweets |
catnip | cat mint |
catalog | catalogue |
cents | pence |
Chapstick | lip balm |
a check | a cheque / bill (restaurant) |
checkers (game) | draughts |
chips | crisps |
cigarette | fag |
clipping (e.g., from a newspaper) | cutting |
closet (bedroom) | wardrobe |
clothespin | peg |
a collect call | a reverse charge call |
color | colour |
come by | pop round |
a cookie | a biscuit |
a cop, an officer | a copper |
corn | maize |
corn starch | corn flour |
corn on the cob | maize cob |
cotton candy | candy floss |
a commercial | an advertisment |
a cracker, or cookie | a biscuit |
cream of wheat | semolina |
a crib (baby bed) | a cot |
a cross walk | a zebra crossing |
a crossing guard | a lollipop man / lady |
a cupcake | a fairy cake |
a curb | a kerb |
D | |
deck of cards | pack of cards |
delayed (late) | held up |
department | faculty |
department head | consultant |
dessert | afters |
a detour | a diversion |
a diaper | a nappy |
a dollar bill | a note |
a druggist | a chemist |
drunk | pissed |
a duplex | a semi-detached house |
E | |
an eggplant | an aubergine |
an electric cord | a flex |
an elevator | a lift |
the emergency room | the casualty |
endive | chicory |
an eraser | a rubber |
expensive | dear |
extension cord (electric) | extension lead |
American Post Box Inglewood Ca
F | |
faculty | staff |
faucet | tap |
favorite | favourite |
financial aid, scholarship | bursary |
fire department | fire brigade |
first floor (building) | ground floor |
flagpole | flagstaff |
a flashlight | a torch |
a flight attendant | an airhostess |
a flirt | a tart |
font, typeface | fount |
freeway | motorway, carriageway |
freezer | cold store |
French fries | chips |
G | |
game | match |
garage sale | boot sale |
garbage man, trash man | dustman |
garter belt | suspenders |
gasoline / gas | petrol |
gear shift | gear lever |
German Shepard/police dog | Alsatian |
green thumb | green fingers |
gizzards | offal |
golashes, rain boots | wellingtons, wellies |
good many, large number | good few |
glove compartment | facia pocket |
glue | gum |
grandfather clock | long-case clock |
graduate | pass out |
granola | muesli |
gray | grey |
ground beef | minced meat |
gum | glue or paste |
gutter | gully |
H | |
hamburger bun | bap |
to handle, touch | to fondle |
hardware store | ironmonger |
headlights (car) | headlamps |
hem and haw (speech) | m and r |
high school | grammar school |
honor | honour |
hood (of a car) | bonnet |
horn (of a car) | hooter |
hospital emergency room | casualty |
house (one story) | bungalow |
humor | humour |
hungry | peckish |
insane | mad |
intermission | interval |
J | |
jail | gaol |
janitor | caretaker |
jello / gelatin dessert | jelly |
jelly | jam |
jewelry | jewellery |
K-L | |
kerosene | paraffin |
kindergarten | infant's school |
to kiss (passionately) | to snog |
to knock up (slang term) | to make pregnant |
ladybug | ladybird |
laid off (job) | made redundant |
law offices | chambers |
lawyer, attorney | barrister, solicitor / pleader |
leash (for a dog) | lead |
leather | hide |
legal age | full age |
library card | library ticket |
license plate | number plate |
a line (of people) | queue |
linens | muslins |
living room | lounge |
liquor store | off Licence, offy |
lunch box | piece-tin |
M | |
post | |
mailbox | postbox |
mail carrier | postman, posty |
maneuver | manoeuvre |
to make reservations | to book |
math | maths |
memo or voucher | chit |
menopause | the maenopause |
mirror | glass |
molasses | treacle |
mold | mould |
monkey wrench | spanner |
movie | film / picture |
movie theater | cinema |
N-O | |
napkin | serviette |
nominate | adopt |
notebook | jotter |
nudist | naturist |
oatmeal | porridge |
on/off ramp | slip road |
oven | cooker |
overalls | dungarees |
overhead expense | on-cost |
overpass (bridge) | flyover |
P | |
pacifier (baby) | dummy |
package | bundle |
pajamas | pyjamas |
panties | knickers |
pants | trousers |
paper towel | kitchen towel, kitchen paper |
parade | carnival |
parking lot | car park |
peanuts | monkey nuts |
peek-a-boo | peep-bo |
a period (punctuation) | a full stop |
pharmacist | chemist |
pickles | pickled cucumbers |
picnic basket | picnic hamper |
pie crust | pastry base |
pine cone | fir apple |
pitcher | jug |
plastic wrap | clingfilm |
Plexiglas | perspex |
a police officer | a copper |
Popsicle | ice lolly |
postage meter | franking machine |
potato chips | crisps |
principal | headmaster |
private school | public school |
public library | lending library |
public school | state school |
purse | handbag |
R-S | |
raincoat | mackintosh / mack |
raisin | sultana |
realtor | estate agent |
to rent | to hire |
repair | mend |
robe | dressing gown |
rubber boots | gum boots |
S-curve (road) | double bend |
sand box | sand pit |
Santa Claus | Father Christmas |
security deposit | key money |
scrambled eggs | buttered eggs |
shampoo | hair wash |
shopping cart | trolley |
sidewalk | pavement / footway |
Sir | Squire, Guv'nor |
a slash (punctuation) | an oblique |
slipcovers | loose covers |
sneakers | trainers, plimsolls, pumps |
soccer | football |
solitaire | patience |
spelled | spelt |
squash | marrow |
station wagon | estate car |
steering wheel | driving wheel |
stingy | mean |
stroller | pram, pushchair |
studio apartment | bedsitter |
styrofoam | polystyrene |
suspenders | braces |
sweater | pullover, jumper |
T | |
take-out (food) | take-away |
talk show | chat show |
telephone | blower |
telephone booth | call box |
tip, gratuity | dash |
tissue / kleenex | paper handkerchief |
toll free (phone) | free phone |
traffic jam | tailback |
transmission | gear box |
thread | cotton |
thumb tack | drawing pin |
tic tac toe | naughts and crosses |
tire | tyre |
toothpick | cocktail stick |
tract housing | housing estate |
trailor | caravan |
trash | rubbish |
trash bag | bin liner |
trash can | bin, dustbin (the one outside) |
truck | lorry |
trunk (of a car) | boot |
turn signals | flashers |
tux / tuxedo | dinner jacket |
two weeks | fortnight |
U-Z | |
umbrella | brolly |
undershirt | vest |
underwear | pants, knickers |
vacation | holiday |
vest | waistcoat |
waken or rouse | knock up |
wall to wall carpeting | fitted carpet |
wallet (a man's) | notecase |
wallet (a woman's) | purse |
a washcloth | a flannel |
a water heater | a geyser |
wheel chair | invalid chair |
window screen | flyscreen |
windshield | windscreen |
yard | garden |
zee (the letter Z) | zed |
zip code | post code |
zucchini | courgette |
1. The longest time between two twins being
born is 87 days .
2. The world's deepest postbox is in Susami
Bay in Japan . It's 10 metres underwater.
3. In 2007, an American man named Corey
Taylor tried to fake his own death in order to
get out of his cell phone contract without
paying a fee. It didn't work.
4. The oldest condoms ever found date back
to the 1640s (they were found in a cesspit at
Dudley Castle), and were made from animal
and fish intestines .
5. In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at
Belmont Park in New York despite being dead
— he suffered a heart attack mid-race, but his
body stayed in the saddle until his horse
crossed the line for a 20–1 outsider victory.
American Post Boxes
6. Everyone has a unique tongue print, just
like fingerprints.
7. Most Muppets are left-handed. (Because
most Muppeteers are right-handed , so they
American Post Box Inglewood Ca
operate the head with their favoured hand.)
8. Female kangaroos have three vaginas .
9. It costs the U.S. Mint almost twice as much
to mint each penny and nickel as the coins
are actually worth. Taxpayers lost over $100
million in 2013 just through the coins being made.
10. Light doesn't necessarily travel at the
speed of light. The slowest we've ever recorded
light moving at is 38 mph.